; Target IAS: Suggested IAS Books for Medical Science

Friday, July 15, 2011

Suggested IAS Books for Medical Science

IAS Books for Medical Science
Topicwise Suggested Reading for Medicine
Anatomy - Megraper or Snell
Human Anatomy (3 Vol.) - Chaurasia
Medical Physiology - Gyston
Human Physiology - Chatterjee
Pathology - Muirs or Robbins
Microbiology - Anand Narayan or Chatterjee
Principal and Practice of Medicines - Davidson
Social and Preventive Medicine - Park & Park
Surgery - Love and Bailey
Essentials of Bio-chemistry - M C Pant
Review in Bio-chemistry - Harper
Heinmann Medical Dictionary - Janife
Heinmann Dental Dictionary - Lennox
Medical Books for Prelims
Human anatomy: Chaurasia (III Volumes) and Histology (Inderbir Singh) - Basic Gray and Neuroanatomy (Inderbir Singh) for selected topics.
Physiology: Ganong
BioChemistry: Harper
Microbiology: Anantha Narayan (Introduction to Microbiology), Parasitology (Jayaram Panikkar)
Pathology: Robbins (Big Robbins)
Medicine: Harrison (No other book may be useful)
Surgery: Bailey (No other book may be useful)
SPM: Park (No other book may be useful)
NB : Latest volumes are more useful.

1) Question Banks: Question banks without keys are available across the market (Jawahar). Bhatia has published a book, with keys. But it contains questions till 1999 only, also keys are often wrong. The III volume Bhatia series also have UPSC questions spread over the entire series.
2) AIIMS question bank will be also useful for solving MCQS. Books that are published (like Mudit Khanna) for AIIMS entrance will be also useful for revision.

Medical Books for Mains
Go back to those old MBBS days. If you could get hold of any old notes from medical colleges of those rough professors, it will serve you better than any texts. Also, apply the old logic, draw pictures as far as possible. Go back to selections, and read the topic carefully.

Human anatomy: Chaurasia (III Volumes) and Histology (Inderbir Singh)
Physiology: Ganong
BioChemistry: Harper
Microbiology: Anantha Narayan (Introduction to Microbiology), Parasitology (Jayaram Panikkar)
Pathology: Robbins (Big Robbins)
Medicine: George Mathew (Notes in medicine), Harrison if needed
Surgery: Bailey (Das will be also useful for some areas)
SPM: Park

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