; Target IAS

Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal (CWDT) Prescriptions on resolving Cauvery Water Dispute:-

  • The CWDT had prescribed the setting up of a Cauvery Management Board(CMB) and
  • The Cauvery Water RegulationCommittee (CWRC)  to monitor the implementation of its order.
  • The CMB ought to be headed by a Chief Engineer with at least 20 years of experience. 
  •  The CMB would monitor the storage position in the Cauvery basin and the trend of rainfall, to assess the likely inflows for distribution among the States. 
  • The CWRC will ensure the Tribunal’s order is carried out.
  • The CMB envisaged three full­time members including a chairman.
    It was also to consist of six part­time members, four of whom will be from the riparian States of Karnataka,Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and the Union Territory of Puducherry


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